Tae kwon do for children is a dynamic sport mixing high impact punches and kicks with a number of katas and forms.
With a huge emphasis on stamina, fitness , confidence and discipline.
What does the word “taekwondo”? In a sense, taekwondo is a lifestyle. In short, taekwondo is a martial arts unarmed self defense. But that’s not all.
Taekwondo is a scientific and reasonable way to use ones body as a defense. This lets you apply intense training to get extraordinary mental and physical abilities to expand yourrange of individual abilities.
Taekwondo is a martial art that can not be matched in power and efficiency techniques. The components of this discipline are the art and a spiritual technique that will help you give a sense of justice, fortitude, humanity and purpose to your life. It is the spiritual culture that distinguishes the true masters of perfection from the aficionados. This martial art hasmany technical aspects.
These are just some of the aspects that allow understand why Taekwondo is an art of self-defense. The concept of “taekwondo” also includes a way of thinking and life, manifestedin particular in the domain of a great morale and spirit of self-discipline. Taekwondo is almost a cult.
In Korean “Tae” means “to make a kick or jump on the air”, “Kwon” – “fist” (especially in the context of a broken hand), “a” – “art”, “path” – the road to truth is to reject the past and is covered with holiness and wisdom. Combining all together, we have “the word” Tae Kwon “denotes a system of spiritual training and techniques of unarmed self defense, along with skillful execution of locks and jumping, running with bare hands and feet to defeat one or more opponents.
Tae kwon do allows the weakest get powerful weapons to gain the confidence in himself to be able to protect himself and others.

For reservation or consultation, please, call us to: Tel. (+34) 673 380 628, 966 868 409, or send us an email to: info@shaktialbir.com